For the period of 11 years of experience in the sector of fibre optic cables and cooperation with customers, who are participants of a technical dialogue and with whom current experience is exchanged, another idea emerged. The idea involving designing a state-of-the-art generation of fibre optic blow moulding machines, duplicate type casing pipes and so-called packages was implemented throughout 2019. The company worked, designed and did tests in order to make operators’ work smoother and more efficient. For a long period of time the company was informed that our fibre optic blow moulding machines are machines that fulfil expectations of customers. Letters of reference provided and clients informing us on the telephone about new records broken as regards the length of fibre optic cables and reliability of machines motivate us to conduct further activities and develop. We asked ourselves a question, what was the purpose of electronic systems in our machines. The answer was one – we always wanted to provide as simple and reliable structure as possible and ensure reliability. The assumptions were appropriate, however, contemporary technologies allow for implementation of new solutions and ideas. Machines constructed in our times should not only be reliable and failure-free, but also smart and able to control the process of blowing. If we create precise mechanic systems made of appropriate materials using precise machine tools and current state-of-the-art and add a smart controller with a touch panel, we will be able to say that we have opened an new era of machines. The most recent models of machines comply with all European and even more other requirements. The offer for the 1st half of 2020 includes MAH-4, MAH-4 Uniwersal series models. The models may be configured depending on requirements of an ordering person and company.
The above-mentioned models will be equipped with:
– a smart touch controller
– two operation modes:
manual – allowing for manual operation, which means that an operator controls settings during operation
automatically – after entering of appropriate data and switching on automatic mode the machines controls the cable feeding process independently and with appropriate force and does not allow a fibre optic cable to be damaged.
– recording of blowing parameters: cable pressing force measured in Newton (N), fibre optic carrying pressure (bar), blowing speed (m/min), blowing length (m) creation of a chart during operation of the machine – GPS of the machine location on a map
– reading of weather parameters: temperature, atmospheric pressure (Hpa), humidity (RH%)
– wireless connection: machines with ancillary equipment such as a tablet, laptop, telephone etc., date and time
– a report on moulding is served through an Internet browser, which includes prepared information tables.
The machines can be equipped with 4 different models of heads
Micro head: as the name implies, these types of heads are used for moulding of micro cables.
Basic head: intended to cable blowing and micro pipes.
Y head: cables and pipe packages, possible blowing of another cable or pipe to the existing system with one or two cables in both directions with the so-called looping,
X head: cables and pipe packages, possible blowing of another cable or pipe to the existing system with one or more cables in both directions with the so-called looping.
Configurations of models:
MAH-4 ELEKTRONIK – the range of cables and pipes from fi 3 to 17 mm, the range of duplicates from fi 7 to 50 mm. A touch controller without a recorder, chart drawing and automatic operation. Possible extension of the configuration on a later date.
MAH-4 UNIWERSAL ELEKTRONIK – the range of cables and pipes from fi 1 to 17 mm, the range of duplicates from fi 5 to 50 mm. A touch controller without a recorder, chart drawing and automatic operation. Possible extension of the machine configuration on a later date. A basic or micro head.
MAH-4 MAX – the range of cables and pipes from fi 3 to 17 mm, the range of duplicates from fi 7 to 50 mm. A touch controller without a recorder, chart drawing and automatic operation.
MAH-4-Y MAX PACKAGE – the range of cables and pipes from fi 3 to 35 mm, the range of duplicates from fi 7 to 50 mm. Pipe packages in the range of up to fi 35 mm. Full option with Y head and possible additional blowing of another cable in the existing system in one direction.
MAH-4-X MAX PACKAGE – the range of cables and pipes from fi 3 to 35 mm, the range of duplicates from fi 7 to 50 mm. Pipe packages in the range of up to fi 35 mm. Full option with X head allowing for additional blowing of a cable in the existing system in two directions, i.e. with the so-called looping.
MAH-4 UNIWERSAL MAX – the range of cables and pipes from fi 1 do17 mm, the range of duplicates from fi 5 do 50 mm. A touch controller without a recorder, chart drawing and automatic operation. A basic or micro head.
MAH-4 PACKAGE – the range of cables and pipes from fi 3 do 35 mm. A touch controller without a recorder, chart drawing and automatic operation. Configuration may be extended in every machine model at a later date.