The Mal-Met production plant deals with the production of fiber optic blowers and the production of mechanical parts and tools that are directly applicable in the broadly understood automotive and agricultural industries. Highly qualified craftsmen are able to effectively help in typically technical problems ranging from the process of project preparation to the implementation of a specific detail or service. The quality and level of customer service have been repeatedly recognized by companies and individual customers of the plant. In April 2005, the company was nominated for the “Brand Leader” of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region, which directly appreciated the many years of work of our staff and was received as the added value of our company on the general economic forum in Poland and abroad (among others taking into account clients from Sweden ).


The company was founded on March 26, 2007 as a result of the takeover of the enterprise, which was run by locksmith master Jerzy Malak from 1966. Initially, it operated as a locksmith’s workshop training students. In the 70’s we started the production of products intended for the industrial sector, in particular for the automotive and agriculture sectors. The company grew dynamically gaining experience and at the same time, as the clients’ needs grew, they expanded a specialized machine park, which currently consists of over 50 different types of machines. Over the years, we have developed our own patents, proprietary designs and registered designs. In 2005, the company was nominated for the “Brand Leader” award from the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region. At the beginning of 2007, the son Marek Malak took over the company, who also has the title of master and many years of experience in the profession. The company is gradually developing new branches of production, such as the production of mechanical parts and all services related to the metal industry, production of tools, parts for agriculture and the automotive industry, etc. Currently, we use the entire machine park and the experience of our employees in the implementation of all types of orders in the metal industry. In addition to the rich machine park used for machining, we have our own forge (plastic working) and hardening shop (thermo-chemical treatment). The company adapts its offer to the changing needs of customers.